All finished–all done

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:14.

Hello Readers, This is is an update–I did summit Mount Katahdin in Maine on October 8th, which is the end of the trail.  I went back and made up three hikes to finish the Appalachian Trail, and got the last one completed on October 18th–a little over a week ago.  I consider it an accomplishment and I am happy that I reached my goal.  I could not have done it without the support of my family.

We all have goals in life and we all need to be persistent to finish them.  God has to help us and direct us in the right way to proceed.  We need the support of friends or family, many times to succeed in accomplishing a goal.  If you have that, my friend you are blessed.

Now I am starting on a new chapter being back with my family full time.  We are on our way out to California–we are going to try to go to Sacramento and stay for a while.  We’ll see what happens.

I would encourage you to stick to your goals, press on with the plan, no matter how difficult it gets.  It will be worth it in the end!

Expect the Unexpected!

You know there is a saying in life to “expect the unexpected”.  This certainly rings true with living in an RV and with hiking the Appalachian Trail!

Our RV has had so many repairs this past year that I can’t even count them, even though its brand new!  Most have been under the Warranty, that is only good for one year.  Well we passed our one-year anniversary of being out on the road approximately August 19th.  It’s been a great ride so far.

So, here’s what happened.  We camped for 2 days at a remote State Park in Vermont.  We did not have any “hookups” at this one, as in no electricity or water.  Well, that is usually not a problem because we have battery operated lights that operate off of our “house battery” that we used in lieu of electricity.  Previously, my wife had noticed that the battery indicator was low, but we thought that we had taken care of the problem because I had taken off 2 days to drive back down to Connecticut, which was the nearest dealer that would fix it.  The repair facility was top notch and we thought everything was fine.

Well, guess what?  About 1AM the 2nd day we were at this remote campsite, I woke up to find that none of our lights were working.  Although we called the “rescue service” that we have for the RV no one is willing to come out at 1 AM in the morning obviously!  So by the time it was 8AM when we could actually call someone, the whole RV WAS DEAD!!  No lights, no refrigerator, no water pump, no nothing!

This was my wife’s worst fear come to fruition.  FORTUNATELY, we were able to locate a repair mobile mechanic that not only came out, but told us what the real problem was, and did a temp fix until we drove it into the shop later that morning.  After a whole day, (2 hours of additional labor for free due to a miscommunication) we were on our way and so far, have been ok.

Needless to say, this will be our last campground with no hookups!  This just goes to show you though that life is full of unexpected little happenings that you didn’t plan on, or that you thought you had taken care of.

God though helps us in our time of need.  In fact, He knows that we will have the unexpected trial.  In I Peter 4:12 Paul tells us, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”  Paul had his share of fiery trials, let me tell you.

One thing that we can count on though is that He is there and knows about everything ahead of time, and will help us through it.  Maybe not escape it, but help us to get through.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”  I Corinthians 10:13

Life can bring us a lot of unexpected great and wonderful things as well The best unexpected blessing is all of the wonderful people we have met along the way!  I have been away from the blog, again for a considerable time.  I want to say how much I appreciate my “followers” and let you know that I thank you for taking the time to read my blogs.

I have been on the trail since April 24th and am now approaching Maine!  Exciting stuff!  I have just completed the Huts of New Hampshire, which will be in my next blog!  Stay tuned, I’ll be back in a day or two with a report on those!

Till then,


Happy Trails!

fasten seat belts.jpg

Yankees vs Mets and Revisting the Past

at yankee stadium

My son and I at Yankee Stadium

 Hello friends!  Well I took a few days off from the A.T. to visit New York and my old stomping grounds.  We stayed over in New Jersey after I finished hiking up to the highest point in New York, High Point State Park.  While in the city, we saw a New York Yankees Baseball game, and a New York Mets Baseball game.   I believe that I prefer Citi Field (used to be called Shea Stadium) over Yankee Stadium, even though I have been a lifelong Yankees fan!  I prefer the Mets Citi Field only because it had so much more to do for my 12-year-old son.  He literally spent 2 hours before the game doing all of the activities that they had, base running, dunking the person with the ball, batting cage, etc.  Citi Field is right off of the train and it’s so family friendly.

We had a great time on Sunday at Yankee stadium as well.  It has more of an historic feel to it.  I loved seeing the banners.  I had been to the old Yankee Stadium in the 1990’s.  This one was well done.  My wife loved the overhang where we sat because we didn’t have to sit in the sun.  My son got a first time visitor certificate which was also nice.

mets stadium

It’s a tough choice, but I prefer Citi Field over Yankee Stadium.


The next day we took the Liberty Cruise out to Ellis Island and on to the Statue of Liberty.  We had a wonderful day and really got to see some educational items and a lot of history.  It’s amazing to think of what people had to go through to get into this country.  My great grandparents came over here from Hungary.  My grandmother never talked about it much but I believe that they brought all of the good Hungarian recipes that she had in her head until she died with them.  Such as Stuffed Cabbage!  I never could get her to give me the recipe!

Last but certainly not least, when we did return to the A.T. our good friends from upstate NY came down to visit us.  They are a wonderful couple that have adopted my son as a grandson, even though they do not need any more.  Anyway we were at Beaver Pond State Park, which has Lake Welch Swimming area.  My son got to go swimming and we toughed it out in the 90-degree heat with no hookups (so no air conditioning).  We also got to go up and see my old boarding school, Storm King School which is located on hwy 9W.  Being in this area again and hiking over Bear Mountain brought back a lot of memories from my childhood.

However, I am cautioned about visiting my past, just as Jacob was hesitant in going back to meet with Esau in Genesis 32:7.  Earlier in Genesis we see that Jacob left Esau after deceiving him out of his birthright.  He went to live with Laban and received his wife Rachel after working for several years.  (Genesis Chapters 27-31).  God dealt with him there and he became a better person.

Jacob was very hesitant to go back through Edom where his brother was now.  However, after he sent messengers, and spent some time in prayer, his brother welcomed him with gifts., (see Genesis Chapter 33).

Jacob ultimately decided to go on his way and return to Bethel.  I have not seen my family since the 90’s and God has really dealt with me not to return to my past nor to see my family because there are just too many differences between us.  This has actually helped me because I have been able to start a new life in Colorado and have been successful.

Hopefully you can reconcile your past and move forward as we all must in Jesus.

I am now hiking in Connecticut and starting Massachusetts in a couple of days.  I will be back again with an update.

Until next time, Bob and Family on the AT in New England.

new york from liberty

My family at the Statue.  Behind us is the Hudson and NY City skyline.  We also visited the  911 Memorial.  We must never ever forget!


knifes edge pa

Knife’s Edge in Pennsylvania

Hello again friends!

I’ve been busy on the Trail in Pennsylvania since mid-July, and have hiked around 270 miles.

Since being here I have observed that I have never seen so many rocks in my life!  We have rocks in the Rocky Mountains obviously, but they seem more manageable.  These are chunky rocks that can be slippery.  Especially in the rain.  This combination makes for chunky soup!

Speaking of rain!  It started raining here this past Thursday, and it has rained off and on every day.  They need the rain here of course and rain can be good.  Bu it can also be annoying!  The first day I thought I could get in before the rain started but I didn’t make it!   I was SOAKED, including my shoes which I had to wear the next day.  I have actually made it through 72 hikes without rain so I’ve been very fortunate to say the least.

In addition, I have it easier than most of the backpackers do because of my RV; (I’m a little spoiled, actually).  Compared to the backpackers, who when they get wet their gear gets soaked and there is nowhere to go, I can at least get in and get dried off.  On that first day of getting soaked (I got soaked a total of 3 times) I made it to our RV and stripped off, etc. but was not too happy.

Rocks are another problem.  Rocks can be good because we would not have any views without the rocky outcroppings, like Knife’s Edge.  I really hung on to the sides of this because I didn’t want to slip, but it was incredible.  Pulpit Rock also has a nice view but unfortunately it was cloudy and I couldn’t see out.

Rocks and rain are a lot like problems in our lives aren’t they?  It’s inevitable that we will have them, but it’s how we handle them that matters.  Jesus promised us that “In this World you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world”,  John 16″33.   God will help us with our problems if we just trust in Him.  The secret is we have to give Him the problems.  This is not always easy…

Some sayings and song titles come to mind about Rain:

“Into Each life a little rain must fall.”

Who’ll Stop The Rain, ( Credence Clearwater Revival).  I can’t believe I heard this while typing the blog this morning.  What timing!

There will be Showers of Blessings.  This is an old time hymn but so appropriate.  You see its not that we will have showers, or thunder storms, because we will.  It how we handle them.  We can try to solve it ourselves, ride it out on our own, OR we can seek shelter in our loving Father that will take care of us.  He promises that He will.  Its up to us to take Him up on it.

So, my friends, here’s hoping that you will take those rocks that make you stumble, and those places that are slippery, and ask God to help you through them.  God tells us in Hebrews 13:5  that “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.    Let God’s rain of blessings be refreshing to you today!

By the way, my son got to go to Hershey park in Hershey PA as well.  As a result, we have had a rain of lots and lots of chocolate!  Chocolate is a great antidote for what ails you….

river on hiking trail

Till next time,



3 states in one day!

appalachian trail sign pen mar park  pa

Hi again!  We have been so busy since leaving Virginia this past weekend that I am just now getting around to posting again.  Hope everyone is well.

We were in Harper’s Ferry this past weekend at the KOA there and I hiked into the town on the Trail.  Harper’s Ferry was very historic but really really hot!   Plus none of the restaurants are open in the morning when its cool.  The bus brings you from the parking area into the town. It is known for the John Brown raid that contributed to the Civil War.

Then after that on Monday, we were able to cross into Maryland and we visited PEN MAR County Park.  This park is half in Pennsylvania and half in Maryland.  The Appalachian Trail runs right through it and my wife was able to pick me up there.  So we were in three different states in just one day!


Pen Mar Park in Pennsylvania

Then today  we visited the Appalachian Trail Museum which is the halfway point on the trail.  It is located in a wonderful State Park called Pine Grove Furnace State Park.  The Children’s display explaining all of the states that the AT goes through is really outstanding.  appalachian trail museum pa

Appalachian Trail Museum in Pine Grove Furnace, PA

We really enjoyed all 550 miles of Virginia but I’m really glad to be in Pennsylvania and looking forward to moving on.

virginia mountains

Virginia Mountains from Shenandoah National Park


In addition to hiking the Trail, my family and I have been able to take days off here and there to do extra stuff.  We just went to Washington DC for a day and this Saturday we are going to Hershey Park Amusement Park in Hershey PA.

washington monument

Washington Monument is in the background, not coming out of my head!

We had a great time in DC as we had a tour of the Capital and saw the famous address on Pennsylvania Avenue.  Wonder who will be there next year??  Hopefully by then we will be finished with the Trail.

So long from the Trail until next time!   Bob

Are you washed??


Hello again from the Trail!  I am almost finished with hiking through Shenandoah National Park.  It has been beautiful needless to say.  We have survived staying in a campground with no hookups (i.e. no electricity) for a week!  But we did have a pay with quarters shower for 5 minutes available.  Do you have any quarters??

One of the things that is so important to a through hiker (as well as a section/day hiker like me) is the question, “Where am I going to get my next shower?”  When a hiker has been on the trail for several days, needless to say, the smell can be……well you get the idea.

I know for me, the first priorities when I come off of the hike every day is, one dinner, and two a shower.

Usually my wife so kindly always has dinner ready for me.  We eat the majority of our meals in the RV on the side of the road where she picks me up.  Today we had a tremendous view on the Skyline Drive, even though I was late because I went too far on the trail.  But that’s a different subject for another time.  I digress…

The second priority of course is to get back to the campground, get hooked up, and get that shower!  You know how much better you feel after you have taken a shower, or even better, if you can soak in a tub!  What a luxury!

Well you know what else needs to really be washed besides our smelly bodies?  Our soul!  The Bible says that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” in Romans 3:23.

So what is sin?  Is it when I tell a lie, is it when I think a bad thought, or is it when I get really angry at someone?

Yes all of these, but more importantly the condition of sin is being separated from God.  Eternally separated.  Think about that for a second.

God is a Holy God that will not allow sin to enter into His Heaven.

Ephesians 5:5 says” For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Simply put, if we do not accept Jesus Christ as our Savior to forgive us of our sin condition, and accept His sacrifice on our behalf we will not make it into Heaven.

You see He paid our debt of sin by dying on the Cross and rising again on the 3rd day.

He paid a debt He did not owe and I owed a Debt (of sin) I could not pay….

Our righteousness (what we think is right) does not cut it, no matter what you may believe.  Its not my rule, its the Word of God.  By the way, it is so important to know what the Word says and apply it to our hearts, so we will know what is true and correct.

Ephesians 5:25 tells us that we should be “washed by the Word”.

So my question to you is, “Are you washed?”

Just like the old hymn says”

Are you washed in the blood,
In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?*

*Are you Washed In the Blood by Elisha A. Hoffman

I pray that you not only get to have a terrific shower and a wonderful tub bath in your near future, but that you also will take the time to be cleansed by God’s Power today!

Till Next Time…Still on the Appalachian Trail!


skyland resort rock outcropping overlook



Good Night, John-Boy!

good night john boy


We have progressed on the Appalachian Trail to the beginning of the Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park.  Today I finished up the section that runs along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Tomorrow I start hiking along the Skyline Drive and we will be camping in Big Meadow Campground.  I have now completed over 862 miles of the trail.  We continue to have surprises and happy things along the trail.  One perpetual vacation!

Along the way we have done some more neat stuff!  On Monday this week, I took a day off and we visited Appomattox Court House.  This is where Robert E Lee surrendered to General Grant and the Civil War officially came to an end on April 9, 1865.   We were able to have a living history interpreter, who was portraying a Union Soldier.  He was in full uniform (wool and all, even down to his socks), and told the story of the surrender from his point of view (being a Union Soldier in 1865).  The date was June 27, 1865,   That alone was well worth the price of admission!  My son will remember that longer than he would reading it in a history book.

Then on Tuesday my wife and son went to the Walton’s Mountain Museum in Schuyler, VA which is near here.  It is the boyhood home of the show’s creator, Earl Hamner, Jr who just passed away this year.  It had a lot of the memorabilia of his childhood but a lot of the stuff was also from the show.  Lots of pictures.  We are all huge fans of the show, especially my son, becauase we had all of the DVD’s. 

Speaking of “Good Nigh John-Boy”, I had to say “good night to my first pair of shoes that I put in over 500 miles in.  I feel like I should bronze them to memorialize the journey!

first pair of shoes done at 500 miles va

What are some things that you have had to say “good night” to?  Maybe some people in your life that you have had to part ways with, either because they passed away or because the relationship ended for whatever reason?  Saying good bye can be hard, but sometimes its necessary.  Sometimes we have to say good bye or good night so that both of us can move on.  Sometimes, as in the case of my shoes, their usefulness has come to an end, or the purpose is fulfilled.  Whatever the reason, all things do have to come to an end.  Isaac had to say good bye to his mother in Genesis 23 when she passed away.  However his father Abraham sent his servant to find Isaac a wife to comfort him.  He could not have done this until he said goodbye to his beloved mother.

Except for our salvation, we don’t have to ever say good bye to it.   Our salvation in Christ is eternal, never spoils, never fades away.  It doesn’t outlive its usefulness, it doesn’t wear out, but is continually relevant and fresh.  That is because its designed to be an relationship and not a religion!  It should be a fresh relationship daily with the Master.  We are the clay, he is the Potter.  He is the guide that will lead us into all Truth, which is His Truth, based on the Bible.

Won’t you trust Him today to lead you and to guide you?  Then when its your turn some day to say “good night” you will be ready to transition into His loving arms for all eternity.

Good night John Boy!

Rockfish gap hike

At the end of the Blue Ridge Parkway and beginning of Skyline Drive



kimberling creek sus bridge va

Today I want to talk about bridges.  This particular bridge that is pictured is a unique footbridge over Kimberling Creek on the AT in Virginia.  I have crossed a couple of really cool bridges in the past couple of days.  This one has camping on both sides of it.  My family met me here and my son was able to play around the bridge.  Its in a beautiful location along the Trail.

Bridges help us cross over from one event to another or one location to another.   Without them, we would be stuck on one side, so to speak, and not be able to move forward.  Bridges help us to get over difficult spots such as high water, muddy places,  and in life they help us over hard times or difficult circumstances.

Jesus acts as “the bridge over troubled water” for the Christian, because He has promised us that He is always with us.   He will carry us through the difficult times if we let him be in control and “pick us up”.  However, in order for us to be picked up and carried, we have to let go of control of the event.  Letting go and letting God be in control can be a scary thought in itself because we like to think that we are the ones in control of the events that happen in our lives.  However most of the time when we look back on it, we know that God is the one who controlled the situation.

I know on this journey that I and my family are on with me hiking the Trail, it is God that has been in control.  Most of the things that happen we did not plan for.  God has truly blessed us.  We have met so many wonderful people so far and had some great experiences.  I have now done 657 miles on the AT and it just gets more and more incredible.

Won’t you let God carry you and act as the bridge over your life?   Perhaps you are in transition to something new.  Let God guide your footsteps as you make your way over the bridge that will lead you to the next phase and on to more blessings.  Who knows what lies ahead?   I Corinthians 2:9 states, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Till the next bridge……  Bob

500 miles of smiles, My list of the Best of the Appalachian Trail

Well I have now accomplished the first 500 miles of the AT.  I am officially ¼ of the way through, or 25% done.  I have seen a lot of gorgeous countryside along the way.  Everything is really green everywhere I look.  I am currently staying at a place called Grayson Highlands State Park which is known for their wild Shetland Ponies.  I went up to a group of them yesterday at the end of my hike to see if I could pet them, and they started licking my legs and arms, I guess for the salt.  It was pretty cool.

I have seen a lot of incredible things along the way on this hike or series of hikes.  I came up with a list of the “Best of the Appalachian Trail” so far.  Here is my list:

Best Plant:  Orange Fire Azaleas—they only grow at 2400 feet and above.  These are prevalent in Virginia.

Best Trail Town

Well, this is a tie between the “Official” Trail town of Damascus VA which also has the Virginia Creeper Trail, and the Best independent Coffee Shop, MoJoe’s Coffee

mojoes in damascus

The Other Best Trail Town is Hot Springs, North Carolina.  They have a great Outfitter service, plus my family had a nice Cabin while we were there.


hot springs hike 1


Here is a list of some other “bests” so far on the trail.


  • Big Bald
  • Albert Mountain
  • Wesser Bald
  • Wayah Bald
  • Clingman’s Dome (Great Smoky Mountain National Park Highest Point)
  • Howards Rock
  • Carver’s Gap Bald
  • Hump Mountain

Best “Gaps”

  • Woody’s Gap
  • Neel Gap
  • Stecoah Gap
  • Carver’s Gap

Best Rivers/Streams

  • French Broad River, North Carolina
  • Nolichucky River, North Carolina
  • Laurel Fork
  • Elk River
  • Jones Falls
  • Fontana Dam/Fontana Lake , North Carolina
  • Nanthalia River (NOC)
  • Amicola Falls (Georgia)
  • Watauga Lake/Dam (Tennessee)

Best Section Hike

  • Carver’s Gap below Roan Mountain.  On this hike you get everything.  “Balds” Or mountains with low vegetation, Lots of views, some climbing and finally some history.  Overmountain Shelter is a site from the Revolutionary War.

So to wrap up, I’ve had a great 25% so far, and we are just getting started.  Its been a great ride

Give your Best to God because He has already given us His Best, His Son Jesus Christ, who has forgiven us of our sin.  All we have to do is accept His free gift of Salvation.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him

Pray this prayer with me……

Lord, I know that I am a sinner.  No one but you can claim to be perfect.  You sent your Son Jesus to us so that the World could be saved.  That includes me.  I now accept this free gift of God, Your Son Jesus, as the only way by which I can be saved.  I trust in Him now and will commit my life to serving Him and will let Him lead me and Guide me.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen

When we give our best to God, He gives back to us double and triple.  You can’t outgive God!

Till next time,


Surprises can be good

Hello friends.  We are still chugging along on the Appalachian Trail and having a great time.  We are still skirting the TN/NC border, but we are heading north to Virginia.  I should be in Damascus VA by Tuesday.

The campgrounds are going to fill up today because its Memorial Day Weekend.  We are camping all of the time, so every day seems the same.  But its great.  A lot of the views that I am getting are spectacular to say the least.  I just came off of Roan Mountain yesterday. I hiked to Carvers Gap:carvers gap


Before that in NC we had some great surprises.  Its amazing what God does, when we aren’t planning it.  I had some great ministry and a good time in Hot Springs NC and my wife and son got to get a nice cabin for us for one night.



We also got to take my son to a local water park and he had a blast.  We have also had some great camping spots on the French Broad River and the Nolichucky River.

Pictured below is a shot of our view from the camp we had at French Broad.  Too bad we couldn’t have stayed longer, but with the hiking we have to keep on a schedule.  Some day we hope to come back.

french broad river nc


And we are just getting started! I could go on and on! God is good.

Sometimes there are surprises in our lives that we don’t expect.  They can be good or bad depending on the circumstances.  Even if something is bad, God can turn it around for His Good.  The Bible says “For it is God who works in you to fulfill His good pleasure”, Phillipians 2:13.  And of course, “God works all things for the good…” Romans 8:28.

He qualifies that with the fact that we have to be doing his will.  Doing God’s will is sometimes the toughest thing in life to do.  But if you do it, God will always bless you and turn things around.  A year ago this week we were starting to live in a Homeless Shelter in Colorado.  Now we live in a motor home and are on the road.  Again, God is Good!

My friend, hang in there!  No matter what it is God can turn it around for His Good!

Till next time…more adventures to come!
